
class django_declarative_apis.machinery.attributes.EndpointTask(task_runner=None, depends_on=None, priority=0, **kwargs)[source]

task is used as a decorator on a function. It encapsulate the side-effect operations of an endpoint. For instance, if hitting an endpoint causes an operation to happen in another resource or it causes an operation to be queued and run as a background task.

task runs synchronously, which means it will be executed before the response is returned to the user. It can also affect the response by making changes to the EndpointDefinition.resource().


from django_declarative_apis.machinery import task

class SampleClass:
    # code

    def sample_function():
        # your code goes here
  • task_runner (optional) – A callable that dictates how the task is executed. Defaults to None.

  • depends_on (optional) – A reference to another task that should be run before this one. Overrides priority. Defaults to None. It is important to note that deferrable_task cannot be used as a depends_on argument.

  • priority (optional) – Specifies the priority of the task. Tasks with lower priority are executed first. Defaults to 0.


from django_declarative_apis.machinery import task

class SampleEndpointDefinition:
   def is_authorized(self):
     return True

   def set_response_filter(self):
        self.response._api_filter = filters.SampleFilters

Deferrable Task

class django_declarative_apis.machinery.attributes.DeferrableEndpointTask(task_runner=None, delay=None, always_defer=True, task_args_factory=None, queue=None, routing_key=None, retries=0, retry_exception_filter=(), execute_unless=None, **kwargs)[source]

deferrable_task is used as a decorator on a function. It is similar to task in that it encapsulates side-effects, but can be automatically executed in a deferred queue outside of the request-response cycle.

deferrable_task runs asynchronously and because of that it is used for operations that take time and when we want to avoid delaying the response to the user.

Deferrable Task Rules:

  • Deferrable task methods must always be a staticmethod. Therefore, anything a deferrable task needs to know should be saved in the EndpointDefinition.resource().

  • The staticmethod decorator should come after deferrable_task decorator.

    from django_declarative_apis.machinery import deferrable_task
    class SampleClass:
      # code
      def sample_method(arg):
         # your code goes here
  • Works only with a Django Model instance as the resource


Depending on the parameters used, a deferrable task can be run in different time intervals. In some cases, it can be made to run synchronously.

  • task_runner (optional) – A callable that dictates how the task is executed. Defaults to None.

  • delay (optional) – Sets the delay in seconds before running the task. Requires always_defer=True. Defaults to None.

  • always_defer (optional) – Runs task in deferred queue even when delay=0. Defaults to False.

  • task_args_factory (optional) – Stores task args and kwargs. task_args_factory must be a callable. Defaults to None.

  • queue (optional) – Sets the celery queue that will be used for storing the tasks. Defaults to None.

  • routing_key (optional) – It is used to determine which queue the task should be routed to. Defaults to None.

  • retries (optional) – Specifies the number of times the current task has been retried. Defaults to 0

  • retry_exception_filter (optional) – It is used to store retry exception information that is used in logs. Defaults to () - empty tuple.

  • execute_unless (optional) – Execute the task unless a condition is met.It must be a callable. Defaults to None.


from django_declarative_apis.machinery import deferrable_task

class SampleClass:
    # code

    def sample_method(arg):
        # your code goes here